Day 7: #100happydays KD & DK.

Hey dog lovers!

Wheeew! Look at them, they really take all my power away. HAHA. It really amaze me every time I see them when  get home. Its like a breathtaking view from the nearest possible point. My babies, KD & DK. KD is the eldest while DK is the youngest and turning 1 this March 15. Oh gawd! Time flies so fast! I feel like they both come out of my womb. *crying* I'm not with them for 2 weeks now since I'm staying in Ortigas because of work. I really can't get enough of what's happening with my work t the moment but all I ever wanted is to be with them everyday and if possible, all day. Ugh!  :'(

KD is Keyser Dyordz while DK is Demee Kenzee. Isn't that a wonderful names? *ROFL*
I get to see them every weekend and I cry when I see them. DK won't sleep without me on her side and KD won't eat that much. But I guess it's time for them to learn that they can without me. But it's hard, REALLY HARD. :'(

I wanna see them already! Saturday please come faster! I miss my babies. *still crying*
They always made me HAPPY each day, everyday.

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